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Автор Тема: Шведско училище минава на органично меню за децата  (Прочетена 1083 пъти)

green flower

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Сори, че е на английски, но общо взето есенцията е, че шведско училище минава на ок. 70 % органична храна, доставяна от една кетъринг компания за такъв тип храна. Целта била в Стокхолм 15 % от училищата да сервират органична храна!
Дали има шанс и в БГ-то някога това да стане  :surpris_23:? Имаше май някои детски градини в София дето си произвеждаха органична храна в собствени градинки  :flowers2:! Но тук като цяло мотивът е "кифла с мляко" и дйнери, джобове, хамбургери, кроасани и какво ли още не!!! ??? ??? ??? (Хах, по този повод преди дни в София изядох едно вегетарианско дюнерче с картофи, домати, краставици и зеле, без никакви сосове и т.н. и въпреки това ми стана бедумно тежко и леко лошо, все пак и като месоядец не ядях дюнери, може би 5 през целия ми живот и не знам какво ме прихвана  :Confus_3: :Confus_3: :Confus_3:)!


A recent Swedish study published in the British Journal of Cancer shows that the additives in red processed meat increase the risk of pancreatic cancer and the more you eat the bigger the risk.
But the Katarina Södra School in Stockholm doesn’t want to give their pupils food with additives and semi finished products and therefore cooks the food by themselves.
Carola Magnusson, the founder of Carolas Eko, a natural foods catering company, serves around 2500 healthy meals to pupils every day.
Carola says that industrially-processed food contains a lot of unhealthy additives.
[Carola Magnusson, Founder of Carolas Eko]:
”When it comes out in the end they have to add a lot of things to make it look and taste and feel like real food and that contains a lot of stuff that I don’t want to serve to the children.”
The school serves freshly baked bread. They peel the onions themselves.
Even the bullion and curry paste is prepared by them.
There are no semi-finished products in the food.
And the kids we talked to are big fans of the menu.
[Pupil, Katarina Södra School]:
”I have heard from other schools that they do not have such good food. We have great food.”
The city of Stockholm has a goal that at least 15% of the food in schools should be organic.
Katarina Södra School is unique with 70% of the food that is organic and most of it is locally produced in Sweden.
[Margaretha Scherman, Principal at Katarina Södra School]:
”That the food is grown organically, cooking from scratch but without additives is to me a guarantee that we give children the best we can give them, it is important with food as well as knowledge.”
NTD News, Stockholm, Sweden.
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